Monday, December 31, 2012

New Year Revelations and Reflections

It's New Year's Eve and time for the regularly-scheduled Monday blog post. Before I delve into my normal Model Monday speel, I'd like to wish all of you readers a safe, happy holiday spent around the ones you love most. I also, and most importantly, wish for you no DUIs and/or deaths (seriously, people, be smart tonight).

2012 was a big year for me as a model. I got my start towards the end of 2011 and spent all of 2012 deeply engaged in my work. During this time period, I've learned a lot about my own strengths and weaknesses. I've had triumphs and great accomplishments, as well as fall outs with people I once called friends. There were days I jumped for joy and nights I cried myself to sleep. But again, I must say, I learned so much.

I learned that there will always be people who hate you and your work, some for valid reasons and some for no reason at all. There is nothing that can be done about it.

I learned that it's okay to be denied by photographers. Sometimes, your goals and their goals just don't match up. It's nothing personal.

I learned that the only way to truly grow is to try new themes with different people. The same photographer won't be good at everything you want to do. You have to network and find those photographers who specialize in what you want and need and go for it.

I learned that this isn't easy. At all. It's an investment of time and money, and sometimes that time and money results in not a single usable photo.

More importantly, I learned that there will always be people better than you and people who are trying their hardest to out-do you. Accept critique with humility and grace and never get so high on your pedestal that you begin to believe you're above everyone around you. Also, don't shoot down those who are trying to best you - instead, be flattered by it because it means you make a real impact on that person in some way.

I've come so far in this last year. I have nothing to complain about. I look at where I started and where I am now and I'm amazed. One year, 345 Facebook friends, a name change, and dozens of photoshoots later, and I am in bliss at my own progress. I really see myself doing nothing but continuing to grow and impress the shit out of the world around me. It might be a selfish desire and resolution, but I personally think it's okay to be selfish every now and then, considering I do know and keep in mind what my real priorities are anyway.

What did you learn about yourself in 2012? What do you seek to do in 2013?

Have a happy New Year, be safe, and know that Rein Razer adores the shit out of you <3

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