Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Center Stage

I really hate introductory posts.

It’s always the same spew about who I am, what I do with my time, and why you should waste your time reading every word I write. So, I’m going to try really hard to make this interesting. Maybe I’ll hook you in and make you a little curious…maybe not. But I don’t write to please others – I write to tell my story.

You’ll probably rarely, if ever, see my real name on this blog. That’s because this blog isn’t about the
real me; it’s about the other half of me – the half that poses in front of a camera, performs on a stage,
and releases beautiful artwork to the world. The normal me is your standard mid-20s female who works two jobs to live comfortably, and no one wants to read that shit. So welcome to my other world, and my double life, as freelance model and artist Rein Razer.

Artwork by Crystal Isis

People ask me how I’d describe my “alter ego” on a fairly regular basis. Most assume it’s just some odd alias I use to keep my modeling life separated from my everyday life, and I’ll admit that to some extent that’s true. But Rein is much more than just a name that covers my tracks. She acts as an alternate persona that I can use as a mask, as a means of summoning personality traits I don’t have in my daily life. When I model, create, or am on stage, I’m Rein, and Rein is very different from the “normal” me in a few ways.

Allow me to list some comparisons:

1. I am a compassionate, caring person. Rein is self-centered.
2. I am mildly naive and childish. Rein is clever and incredibly street-smart.
3. I am confident. Rein is arrogant.
4. If I were a meme, I’d be “X ALL the Y!”. Rein would be a hybrid of “Grumpy Cat” and “Condescending Wonka”.

In short, Rein is everything I wish I could be (at least sometimes, no one likes a 24/7 bitch) but would
never have the balls to be. She speaks her mind, she takes no shit, she creates beauty and art wherever she goes, and can rock the bejesus out of a bedazzled bra top and victory rolls. Rein is my escape from the mundane and usual and the persona through which I can live out my dreams of fame and creativity.

I’m pretty sure some people would argue that this is a horribly unhealthy display of dissociation and
escapism. They might be right, but mostly likely they’re full of it. I should mention that Rein isn’t some “voice in my head”, nor do I switch between personalities uncontrollably. I’m not mentally unstable, I’m an artist with a strong imagination.

I plan to update this blog twice a week with articles you might actually enjoy reading. Mondays will be dedicated to information about my modeling escapades, and my thoughts on modeling in general, while Wednesdays will be entirely dedicated to my life and role and in the visual arts. Pretty exciting, right? I know, this is going to be fantastic.

Until we meet again,